Some answers

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The word “white” has a similar symbolic meaning from one civilization to another.

The colour white is generally associated with the idea of daylight, and as a result of the idea of good morality. Black, depending on whether it is associated with night or darkness, is more ambivalent. But dawn, daylight or sunlight always have a positive touch.

From a cultural point of view, white is the colour of peace : people at war wave a white flag to call for a cessation of hostilities ; while red is the symbol of war. The dove of peace is white. White is also associated with the immaculate purity of snow. Or with the sweet tenderness of a breastmilk, symbol of love and life.

In physics, white light represents the synthesis of all colours. Scientists show that when white light passes through a prism, it is divided into countless colours. In a symbolic way, therefore, the white colour embraces and brings together the opposing parts or the different colours. Leonardo da Vinci, inspired by an intuition from his practice as a painter, considered that “white is not a colour by itself, it is the receptacle of all colours”.

In this sense, white reflects a value of universality : it somehow condenses diversity and wholeness, adding to it the symbolism of peace or harmony.

In accordance with this theme, the term “universal white brotherhood” seeks to convey the idea that all human beings, with no exception and with all their diversity, are invited to create around them a brotherly, harmonious life in respect of each origin, culture, belief or conviction.

Finally, from a spiritual point of view, the color white symbolizes the luminous radiance of the virtues of the soul. Purity, selflessness, the holiness of a man or woman emanate and radiate around them like a white and rainbow coloured halo, regardless of their physical appearance or the colour of their skin.

What does the word " esoterism " mean to you? A philosophy that is difficult to understand? Only for a small number of people?

What does the word ” esoterism ” mean to you? A philosophy that is difficult to understand? Only for a small number of people?

The word “esoteric” comes from the Greek “esôteros” meaning: which is inside.

Esoterism means not only a vision of the world, but also a behavior in life, easy to understand and open to all those who wish sincerely to get to the heart of things.

The esoteric attitude is, so to speak, an attention that is born and that grows silently within, it is the life of the soul. It’s just as mysterious and simple as love.

“Look,” said the guide to the visitors on Heritage Day, “here is a scene depicting the Last Supper, Jesus and his apostles. You will recognize some of them: Judas by holding a pouch of money, Peter by holding a sword, and John by leaning on the heart of the Christ. »

It is John’s attitude that, in our eyes, reveals the meaning of the word ” esoterism “.

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